News from Kenya


  • USAID WKSP and USAID 4TheChild collaborate to Improve Menstrual Hygiene Management

We are following a holistic approach

We asked the people in Kenya what changes they would like to see. Together we identified three focus areas and developed solutions that we are working on in collaboration with the local communities: children and youth welfare, gender equality and health. Our common goal is working towards a society in which all basic needs are met, everyone has equal rights and people have opportunities to independently improve their situation in the long term. Furthermore we wish for every child to be able to be a child.

For the benefit of the children, we help people to help themselves as we believe in everybody's potential.

Our focus areas

Our three focal areas fulfil seven of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals which have been established by the United Nations..

Child and youth welfare by strengthening families

Gender equality



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Our promise

Maximilian Ullrich
Founder and Managing Director

In more than ten years of experience in development cooperation we have seen how much can be achieved even with small means. Every cent of your donation goes to where it is most needed. We employ only local staff and through university scholarships and training we encourage our workers to constantly develop their expertise. From the very beginning of each project, we consult the community and ensure their holistic participation, which results in acceptance of our projects and has led to great success.
In addition to a high level of trust in our project team, an external auditor, regular project visits and continuous project reporting ensure transparency in Kenya. In Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Luxembourg our work is audited annually by the ministry of finance through external auditors.

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