The effects of the Corona crisis will be unpredictable. Horrible consequences are coming to light. And once again it affects the most deprived people the worst. It is estimated that over 380,000 unwanted teenage pregnancies have occurred during the lockdown as a result of sexual abuse.
The extremely high rape figures are a catastrophe itself. Every girl, every woman who has been raped will have to struggle with the traumatizing consequences for the rest of her life, with no prospect of therapy. In most cases, an unwanted pregnancy also comes into play. According to the aid organization Care, the number of unwanted pregnancies among girls during the lockdown is said to be 380,000.


Second pandemic due to a wave of rape

380,000 – This is the number of children who will be born in the next few months and need to be cared for. And even worse – if there is no support, many children born in the slums will end up in rivers, according to the news channel N-TV.
To make the numbers tangible: If you add up the population of Linz and Salzburg, the figure will be around 360,000, while the entire state of Vorarlberg has 397,000 inhabitants.

Watch the N-TV Video now

N-TV Video concerning the 2nd pandemic

We have to take action

These circumstances show very clearly how important our project for Reproductive Health and Gender Equality in cooperation with the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) is. The urgency to help was already there before Corona, but with these developments it becomes even more evident. We must make change. We must strengthen women’s rights. We must educate men and women on the subject of equality. We must clearly communicate the consequences of rape, and bring young men, old men, village elders and politicians on board to finally create a lasting and sustainable change.

We depend on your donation, please help women in need

Donation examples

With 15€ only we can inform 30 people about women’s rights and reproductive health.

With 20€ only we can finance contraception for one woman for one year.

With 33€ only we can provide three years of violence prevention for one woman.