We recently completed the construction of our first computer training classroom – the Make Me Smile Future Hub. In April 2022 a pilot project started, offering information technology training to the youth of the community. With this training, the students receive basic training in computer handling and elementary computer literacy which addresses the need for learning opportunities in the community and enables them to get better jobs in city offices.
The story behind the Make Me Smile Future Hub
In spring 2021 Crazy Andy (he likes to be called that way) from Ireland initiated this wonderful project. He started arranging laptops and put an incredible amount of time and energy into drafting the training curriculum, setting up the website and training our facilitators.
Thank you Andy for all your work and continuous support.
The training
The course is being conducted by our two trainers Don and Mollent, who have been taken through intense training and are qualified to teach the students according to the curriculum. 36 students will be able to enrol into the course every two months. Since April 2022 we are teaching at full capacity in classes of 2-hour blocks, three times a day every Monday to Thursday.
Our first adolescent students, both male and female are already learning basic computer skills. Our vision is for our students to become proficient in computer skills and to be provided with the much needed foundation to excel in their future careers in today’s world that is driven by technological progress.
Voices of the students
Caroline: ‘I heard about the computer training, applied and got a chance – since then I’m passionate about computers. I am so amazed about the class and also about using laptops as I had never seen or used one before. I want to learn more and be a graphic designer.’
Linet: ‘I didn´t know how to use a laptop before, but now I do. I’m really enjoying the classes.’
Dickens: ‘I never expected having my own laptop in class. I am so happy and curious to learn. Thank you to Make Me Smile.’