Women’s rights and matters of reproductive health are staged in an exciting way and broadcasted on national radio programmes. Radio is a very popular medium in Kenya. In rural areas, television sets can only be found in very few households because they are expensive and not many houses have a television connection or electricity. But almost every household has a battery-powered radio and in most public transports it also booms, so it is the best channel to reach many people. That’s why we take advantage of it!

Informative radio shows – anything but boring

Once a month for over three years we organise a radio show with important messages on gender equality, reproductive health and sexuality. The shows are introduced by the local theatre group “Laser Arts”. The group’s audio plays, which are specially produced for the show, work up serious topics in a humorous way and thus take the tension out of the topics. An expert is also available to provide anonymous callers with advice. This enables the audience to ask questions that are usually considered taboo and not being discussed.

Of course, it would not be a radio show without music. Wanda, our Colombian doctor and trainer for reproductive health, her musically gifted son Jeronimo and the theatre group composed a song together. The song deals with the topics of the radio show and definitely has catchy tune potential. But listen for yourself:

Please help us spread our important message in the media as well.

Please support the project and help us to communicate knowledge about reproductive health and women’s rights via radio. Your donation is tax deductible!