The Make Me Smile Christmas Festival 2021
In December 2021, the Make Me Smile Festival celebrated an amazing comeback. Throughout the month musicians from all around the world played online streamed concerts for our cause. A total of 14 concerts were streamed from 3 different continents. We could not have been more grateful and want to express our sincere gratitude to all the musicians and the team who made this possible.
What did we fundraise for?
In 2019 we opened our Health Centre in Mayenya. It is a fully equipped model Health Centre with a modern maternity ward. The focus lies on mother-child health. Pregnant women receive extensive pre- and post-natal care and can give birth in a hygienic environment under the supervision of professional supervision. In cooperation with the government we are running and co-financing the Health Centre. Due to the pandemic and other governmental financial cutbacks in the health sector in Kenya, we were only now able to reopen our maternity wing.
What did we achieve?
Together with our Christmas fundraising we managed to raise over 4.700 Euros with the concerts. This money will go right into financing the salaries of our hard working nurses in the hospital and brings us one step closer towards our goal: Providing free of charge, high quality health care to everybody.
And we can already report that on the 2nd of February the first baby was born in the newly reopened maternity wing. This was made possible through our concerts !
You have missed out on our concerts??
No problem! You can rewatch the concerts on our youtube channel.
Donations for the concerts are also still welcome.
Don’t forget to subscribe and never miss another concert.