We have had the honour to be visited by the Minister of Health and the Minister of Education, Youth, Culture & Social Services of Kisumu County and to present them our Community Health Centre, the first Safe Park in Kenya and our OVC/Child and Youth Care Program. They left not only overwhelmed from the impressions but promised that they will support our projects by

  1. providing the “Beyond Zero” mobile Clinic, an ambulance and Medication for our
    upcoming Free Medical Camp
  2. providing staff and medication to the Health Centre immeditately when it is complete,
  3. promoting the Professionalization of Child and Youth Care Workers 
  4. establishing an Early Childhood Development Centre next to the Safe Park and
  5. working on the foundation of a Montessori School in Kisumu, to mention but a few

We at Make Me Smile were left so excited, that our smiles grew even bigger and are sincerely looking forward to this promising collaboration.



Die Gesundheitsministerin und die Ministerin für Bildung, Jugend, Kultur und Soziales von Kisumu County mit dem Make Me Smile Kenya Vorstand und unserem Team von Kinder- und JugendbetreuerInnen!
The Minister of Health and the Minister of Education, Youth, Culture & Social Services of Kisumu County with the Make Me Smile Kenya Board and Team of Child and Youth Care Workers/Community Home Visitors!


Einführung in das Konzepts des 3-Kammern Klärungstanks und der ökologischen Abwasseranlage, die in zukunft von unseren Schweizer Partnern von Innprotech installiert werden soll.
Explaining the concept of the 3 chanbers Septic Tank and the economical waste water management plant to be installed by our Swiss Partners from Innprotech at a later stage.


Besuch beim ersten Safe Park in Kenya, gefödert von der United Nations Women's Guild.
Visiting the first Safe Park in Kenya, funded by the United Nations Women’s Guild, run by Make Me Smile Kenya.
Übergabe der offiziellen Einladung zu unserem Free Medica Camp am 5. & 6. August und Anfrage zur Unterstützung durch die "Beyond Zero" Mobile Klinik, einer Ambulanz und Medikamente.
Handing over the official invitation letter to Make Me Smile Kenya’s Free Medical Camp to be held on the 5th & 6th of August and provide support through the “Beyond Zero” Mobile Clinic, an Ambulance and Medication.