Reproductive Health Information

Content: 1.1 FAMILY PLANNING 1.1.1 What is family planning? 1.1.2 Why family planning? -benefits of FP 1.1.3 Who should do family planning? 1.1.4 When to start family planning? 1.2 SAFE MOTHERWOOD 1.3 CONTRACEPTIVES 1.3.1 Condom/Barrier Methods 1.3.2 Pills and Injections/Hormonal Methods 1.3.3 Natural Methods 1.3.4 IUD, IUCD, Coop and coil/Intrauterine 1.3.5 TL, Vasectomy/Permanent Methods 2.1 HIV/AIDS AND STIS 2.1.1 Characteristics of HIV 2.1.2 Types of HIV 2.1.3 Mode of transmission 2.1.4 Drugs and Substance Abuse 2.2 TYPES OF STDs and Signs 2.2.1 Gonorrhea 2.2.2 Syphilis 2.2.3 Chancroid 2.2.4 Genital herpes 2.2.5 Aids 2.2.6 Myths and Facts 3. SEXUAL AND GENDER […]

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Our Contribution

We help these children through scholarships or vocational trainings, medical and psychosocial support and by finding the right foster parents. We empower these families, leading them and the children under their care into self-sufficiency. “We help you to help yourself” is at the center of all our activities in personal and economical matters, for the people to gain independence. We also lead programs for school support, people living with HIV/Aids, family planning, trainings and guidance to lead people into self-sufficiency, lend a helping hand in realising sustainable agriculture, small businesses and village savings and loaning groups, trainings for our executive […]

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Make Me Smile (Benefiz) Festival

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Freunde von Make Me Smile! Schon sehr bald wollen wir den kalten Winter anhand eines Benefiz-Festivals mit einem Lächeln erwärmen. Nämlich dem „Make me Smile Festival“1zu Gunsten von Make Me Smile Kenya. Das Make me Smile Festival ist ein Benefiz-Event zu Gunsten von Make me Smile Kenya. Sämtliche Einkünfte des Festivals werden direkt an konkrete Projekte von Make me Smile Kenya spenden und somit deren höchst unterstützenswerte Arbeit fördern. Wir möchten durch direkte Aktionen in Wien und Umgebung mit Euch gemeinsam das gesunde Lächeln fördern, und es durch Unterstützung sozialer Projekte auch in Regionen schicken, […]

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